Injections of hyaluronic acid for rehydration of the vulva and vaginal areas in women suffering with dryness or irritation and the ‘labial puff’ procedure to enhance the appearance of laxity and deflation and reshape the labia majora (outer lips of the vulva). DESIRIAL® by Laboratoires Vivacy is an antioxidant hyaluronic acid based gel specifically formulated to preserve women’s intimate health.
Who is it suitable for?
For women who suffer a lack of oestrogen during menopause, following cancer treatment or after weight loss. When there is a lack of oestrogen secretion, there is thinning of the skin in the genital area with dryness of the vaginal mucosa with flaccidity, fragility and loss of elasticity. HA injections around the vagina can help with rehydration and they promote suppleness of the tissue. With increasing age or weight loss, the labia majora can appear flaccid or deflated. HA injections can reshape the labia majora to give a rejuvenated appearance, conceal the labia minora and give a better appearance in proportions between the labia.
What does it involve?
Frequently asked questions
How do I know if this procedure is right for me?
How long does the procedure take?
How much does this procedure cost?
Are there any potential side effects?
Common side effects are initial redness, swelling (lasts for a few days) and mild bruising.
Risks of HA fillers are rare. They include bruising, skin necrosis from injection into a blood vessel, overfilling, asymmetry, infection and lumps.
Caution: Tissue fillers are not given to women who are pregnant or breast feeding or to those under the age of 18 years. Avoid blood thinners for at least one week before treatment to reduce bruising. These include aspirin, warfarin, dipyridamole, clopidogrel, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), fish oil, vitamin E supplements, St John’s Wort, garlic tablets, gingko biloba, and ginseng. HA fillers are not given to those with a history of hypersensitivity or allergy to lignocaine (local anaesthetic), or where there is evidence of broken skin or an infection.
It is necessary to avoid: sexual intercourse, touching or massaging the treated area, extremes of temperature such as excessive heat (sauna or steam bath, hot drinks) or cold (swimming), alcohol, smoking and vigorous exercises for at least 24 hours after the procedure.
In those who have a history herpes simplex infection, there is a risk of reactivation of infection with injections to that area. Please discuss this with your practitioner.
Related Procedures
Platelet Rich Plasma
For adults with vaginal dryness, to enhance lubrication and sensation with improvement of the quality of the vaginal wall. Also for women with mild stress urinary incontinence or who suffer with pain on sexual intercourse or for women who wish enhanced sensitivity in the clitoral complex.

Based in London, Dr Lewis is a highly respected surgeon, with over 30 years experience in helping women feel good about their bodies.